Defining Tasks with Mantra

In mantra a task combines evaluation metrics with definitions of the training/validation/test data. Making a task is like creating your own machine learning competition : here is the training and test set, and here is what your models will be evaluated on.

🏆 Make a Task

Go to the root of your project. To make a new model we can use the makemodel command:

$ mantra maketask my_task

Our new task folder will be located at myproject/tasks/my_task. Inside:
  • contains your core task logic

Let’s have a look at the file and see what the template contains:

from mantraml.tasks import Task

class MyTask(Task):
    task_name = 'My Example Task'
    evaluation_name = 'My Evaluation Metric'
    training_split = (0.5, 0.25, 0.25)

    def evaluate(self, model):
        # Return an evaluation metric scalar here. For example, categorical cross entropy on the validation set:
        # predictions = model.predict(self.X_val)
        # return -np.nansum(self.y_val*np.log(predictions) + (1-self.y_val)*np.log(1-predictions)) / predictions.shape[0]

The training_split variable is a tuple that specifies what proportion of the data to use for training, validation and test respectively.

In the evaluate function we take a mantra model as an input and evaluate it according to a logic of our choice. In the commented out notes, we see an example for categorical crossentropy that is referencing the validation set in the task.

What this code will do is when we run a model for a dataset on a task, at the end of each epoch, we’ll call the evaluate function to obtain a metric and this will be stored. So whatever you write in this method will be your evaluation metric.

Let’s look at a full example for binary crossentropy:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

from mantraml.tasks import Task

class BinaryCrossEntropy(Task):
    This class defines a task with binary cross entropy; with a 0.50/0.25/0.25 training/test split

    task_name = 'Classifier Evaluation'
    evaluation_name = 'Binary Crossentropy'
    training_split = (0.5, 0.25, 0.25)
    secondary_metrics = ['accuracy']

    def evaluate(self, model):
        predictions = model.predict(self.X_val)
        return -np.nansum(self.y_val*np.log(predictions) + (1-self.y_val)*np.log(1-predictions)) / predictions.shape[0]

    def accuracy(self, model):
        predictions = model.predict(self.X_val)
        predictions[predictions > 0.5] = 1
        predictions[predictions <= 0.5] = 0
        return accuracy_score(self.y_val, predictions)

Here we have also specified secondary metrics - ‘accuracy’ - that will also be recorded during training.

Using a Task and Comparing Models

During training, reference the task as follows:

$ mantra train my_model --dataset my_data --task my_task

Using the UI we can visualize the performance of different models against tasks.

$ mantra ui

Below we can see a leaderboard for our task:
